The Joe Consford Success Story | Celebrating the 28% Growth of

3 years ago

Joe Consford joins us to share about the 28% growth of and how implementing Clay Clark’s proven business systems has helped him to grow his business.

What do you do?
What makes you better than other companies?
What is your no brainer offer?
What kind of growth have you had?
In San Augustine Location 28% growth even in the hardest slowest season
Last year, on the verge of bankruptcy
This year, paying off debts and still in the black!
What systems have you implemented that have helped you the most?
Carrying a clipboard with me
Having a Google compliant website
Store atmosphere through sights, sounds, smells, tastes
Learn More Today At:

Step 1 - Improve Branding
Step 2 - Improve Marketing
Step 3 - Increasing Sales
Step 4 - Hiring, Inspiring, Training and Retaining Quality People
Step 5 - Implementing Turn-Key Systems, Processes and Checklists
Step 6 - Improving the Accounting Processes and Systems

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