Fulshear City Council Meeting 12/15/2015, HOME RULE CHARTER CONTROVERSY I.

3 years ago

Citizens of Fulshear are rising up to question their elected City Council

Council Member Tajana Surlan Mesic did her best to stop Home Rule Charter Commission from presenting Home Rule Charter to voters for their voters’ approval.

She attempted to suspend an attorney working with Home Rule Charter Commission.

She even went to Fort Bend County Judge and tried to discredit Fulshear officials and Home Rule Charter Commission members.

She spent thousands of taxpayers’ dollars “to conduct systemic review of process and product” just to find out nothing wrong with HRC as proposed. Independent law firm provided very positive response, Fulshear proposed HRC is a good Charter.

I recorded the whole Charter discussion. I ran out of memory on my iPad therefore I had to switch to cell phones that is why the recording is split into 3 segments.

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