Revelation Lesson-26: Satan’s Folly, Failure, and Fury - Part I

3 years ago

This is Lesson-26 in the series “Come Lord Jesus!” from the book of Revelation.

The title for this lesson is: Satan’s Folly, Failure, and Fury - Part I.

Our focus passage is Revelation 12:1-6.

In our study today we begin another interlude in the book of Revelation. We saw an interlude after the 7th seal was opened and now, we have another one after the 7th trumpet was sounded by the angel as we closed our study of Rev. 11.

This interlude covers chapters 12-14 before we get to the third and final cycle of judgments (the 7 bowls) in Chapter 15.

In this chapter we are getting yet another perspective on what will occur during the days of the Great Tribulation.
It’s like in a movie where you see the same events from the perspective of a different character.
We will also see behind the curtains of this realm and into the activities that occur in the unseen realm of the heavenly places.
John is going to see great signs in heaven that will give him additional insights into what will happen during the days of the Great Tribulation and the end of this age.

Today we will focus only on verses 1-6 and then in Part II of our teaching from Revelation 12 we will cover verses 7-17.

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