Modern Dentistry is Ignorance & Pure Evil

3 years ago

This is the show that I did with the Virtuous Unicorns from last Tuesday, and I really wish to thank both Sara and Barb, as they were insistent that this topic be given a separate show...and it is very important that it was, as the Truth about Modern Dentistry and the Care of our Teeth and Mouth are massively misinnerstood, and needed to be set straight.

This show represents 2 hours of shocking, mind blowing, and Truthful gnosis about how our Teeth are powerfully connected to all other major systems of the Human Body, and that if our Teeth are not healthy, this has a profound affect upon our Health, and vice-versa...our teeth are Precious Alkaline structures that must be protected from Acidic Foods and Beverages, and must NEVER be allowed to be drilled by Dentistry, as the actual healing of Teeth and Gums, including Cavities is quite simple and straightforward, and that the INVASIVE work that Dentistry does on Teeth often becomes unrepairable...

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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