All Inductive HF Antenna Tuner (using negative inductance in place of capacitance)

3 years ago

I had theorised that it was possible to create an HF ATU using only variable inductors
instead of a variable / Switchable inductor and variable capacitors.

(((Negative Inductive reactance can be calculated as if it is capacitive reactance.)))

Although I had previous success with this idea with more basic variable impedance step up transformers,

I have now succeeded in creating an Equivalent to a T match antenna tuner using only magnetically variable inductors.

I have just finished my first draft of the concept
yet I need to figure out how I will configure the permanent magnets for ease of rotation and stability.

This same concept can also be acheived with the use of electromagnets that steer a permanent magnets torus field,

which I have had numerouse successes with in the past for some more basic variable inductance requirements.

73 de Vk3fvki.👌👌👌

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