India The Global Hub Of Cybercrime And Your Corporate Helpdesk

2 years ago

I’ve worked in IT (Information Technology) for 20+ years. I hold an Associates in IT, A Bachelors in Workforce development and a Certificate in System Support and Administration. I have a huge number of training certificates from various employers representing 20 + years of on-the-job training and learning by doing. I worked on the 2020 census project from December 2019 through march 2021 and I have 3 stellar letters of recommendation from the managers I worked with. I hold a clearance from office of personnel management OPM required to work inside a census facility. I've applied for dozens upon dozens of jobs and all my experience, education and the recommendation of piers and managers alike are uniformly ignored by potential employers.

Job recruiters constantly tell me they don’t have any jobs for me but at the same time I hear that there is a massive labor shortage in every job class all over America. My 3 letters of recommendation from census that describe in detail what I did at census and prove that I was qualified to do it. If there is a talent shortage, why am I unemployed? Discrimination ! Does anyone really think I would spend years and thousands of dollars getting a STEM education because I didn't want to work? Really? Someone is clearly either stupid or stoned! Probably both.

Politicians act as if people like me don’t exist. People talk about the American dream. All I know is the nightmare. People love to say you can’t get people to work nowadays, I would love to work but the question is who will hire me? More to the point why won’t they hire me? Why is all my education and experience not good enough? Am I just a piece of human waste? It seems Thats the way I am treated. What crime did I commit to deserve this ?

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