Zoey Marie Estes - Second Canine Mitral Valve Repair Surgery

3 years ago

In this video you will see Nate Estes's daughter Zoey Marie Estes undergo her second Mitral Valve Repair surgery procedure. Nate Estes is one of the original founders of Mighty Hearts Project. Zoey's surgery was performed on February 12th 2019 by Drs. Masami Uechi, Hiroshi Takano and the dedicated team at the Japan Veterinary Cardiovascular Medical Center (Jasmine) located in Yokohama Japan.

Zoey sadly needed to undergo a second repair procedure to correct her heart as it prolapsed for unknown reasons causing an artificial chordae tendineae to rupture from her heart muscle wall leading to the further increasing of her mitral valve regurgitation.

After her first surgery in France in 2016 her regurgitation was moderate and now it’s become severe. As a result it drastically increased her heart size causing Zoey to further decline into a controlled state of heart failure with close observation by my cardiologist using the proper dosages of medications.

Masami Uechi and Sayaka Takeuchi advised me it would be best consider taking Zoey to Japan for another surgery as she was only seven and otherwise very healthy. After being fully explained all the risks and unknowns for this second procedure my family made the difficult choice to do the surgery.

Today over a year and almost two months later she still defies all the odds against her. Zoey's heart is doing exceptionally well. She is off all her medications with the exception of sildenafil, which was recently added for her newly diagnosed pulmonary hypertension. It has been determined not to be heart related. Zoey continues to inspire myself and all of our MVR families as she is a shining hope of determination and strength.

Special thanks to Masami Uechi, Sayaka Takeuchi, Ayaka Chen, Hiroshi Takano and the rest of the amazing Jasmine team who had a hand in this incredible surgery which had a 50/50 chance of succeeding.

I am forever grateful and will always be in debt to these amazing kind loving human beings who fight everyday on the front lines of this disease (MVD) to save our animals. They will always have a place in my heart and my full unwavering support.

Nate Estes

Mighty Hearts Project


May 7th, 2021, Zoey sadly passed away because her heart was just so tired. She will forever live on through my work as we carry you all through your journey's.

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