Warfare Over the Matter

3 years ago

Lucifer said in his heart "I will be like the most High." (Isa 14:14) "He wanted to be God, but he could not obtain that. Christ was the only begotten Son of God, and Lucifer, that glorious angel, got up a warfare over the matter, until he had to be thrust down to the earth.” (Ms86-1910, August 21, 1910, par. 30) Since his expulsion from Heaven, Lucifer has continued to wage this same warfare against the Sonship of Christ. But why? What does he have to gain? In this video we follow his warfare against the Sonship of Christ from Heaven to Earth and through the centuries, even to this day.


English Transcript:

Subtitles Available on YouTube (https://youtu.be/xck2vFVoLSg):
- Chinese-Simplified
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- Spanish (Latin)

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