They will activate the 5G antennas to kill vaccinated people on december 20th

3 years ago

The reduction of the population at a worldwide scale begins this December twentieth of 2021.

In virtue of the attack aginst the vaccinated people so that they don’t realize how they are going to get killed by them through the vaccines and the antennas 3, 4 and 5G that transmit electromagnetic waves targeting all of the cell phones worldwide.

This will causecancer on the vaccinated people and they will not realize how they were murdered.

specially to those vaccinated with the spoons that stick on them, as those already have electromagnetism in their body, and mainly towards these people is this attack of december 20th directed at.

These recommendations are for all the vaccinated with any vaccine and for the nonvaccinated, because they all have and use a cell phone:

1. Do not use the cell phone unless it is urgent and necessary.
2. Use electronic items as little as possible and withdraw from people who are using them.
3. Do not use hearing aids on the cell phone.
4. Use the speaker and the hands-free when you have to use it, but do not put your cell phone in the ear from december 20, 2021.

That is, they will begin by killing the vaccinated people with electromagnetic waves that will be transmitted via the G antennas: 3, 4 and 5 G that will transmit them to all of the cell phones.

They will send these electromagnetic waves to kill them from brain cancer, breast cancer, etc. As in this way they won't realize that they, the politicians of the world and the satanic sect of Freemasonry, were the killers and will be the killers of humanity.

The antennas will be activated at their maximum capacity as of December 20, 2021 and from there there is no stopping them, unless the people bring them down.

The day is December 20, 2021, it can be at 10, 11 or 12 at evening.

download this video on the link below

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