3 years ago

When will America's $20 Trillion Debt Collapse the U.S. Economy?

The financial problems that could doom America..

America's Debt: When will America's over $20 Trillion debt collapse the U.S. economy? America is in serious trouble, with a national debt of over $20 trillion. As of this writing, that number is growing at a rate of over a million dollars per minute! This represents an enormous burden on future generations. Although the federal government has ways to keep borrowing (and printing) money, there are limits to how much they can do — and those limits may be reached sooner than you think. The question is, how much worse will things get? And what will happen when the U.S. government finally runs out of options? If economic predictions are correct, the answer could be "very bad." .

The U.S. national debt is fast approaching a level that many experts believe to be unsustainable, and those experts suggest that it could trigger a financial crisis unlike anything we've ever seen before. If you thought the recession of 2007-2008 was bad… just wait until this next one hits! How did we get here? The chart below shows the growth in America's debt since 1962: As you can see from the chart above, our country's debt has more than tripled over the past 50 years. And if you look at... It is hard to say exactly when this will happen, but there are a number of potential triggers that could cause a major financial crisis here in America at any moment and send our economy spiraling into total chaos… .

The entire U.S. economy could be supported by a single state, such as California ($2.5 trillion), New York ($1.5 trillion) or Texas ($1.4 trillion). The federal government has spent $20 trillion over the last decade, and its debt continues to grow at an alarming rate that threatens to bankrupt future generations and America itself. With $20 trillion in debt, the U.S. government has amassed a financial nightmare that will result in a worldwide meltdown when it finally comes crashing down on our heads… Why is America so far in debt? .

The answer is simple: reckless spending by Congress and the White House, which has been enabled by decades of irresponsible borrowing from foreign nations like China, Japan and Saudi Arabia . This money has flowed into the pockets of special interests groups, who are among the most powerful lobbyists on Capitol Hill . In return for their financial support, these special interest groups have received trillions of dollars' worth of pork barrel projects that have done little to improve our country or stimulate economic growth… ​.

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