2 years ago

How To Survive In The World After America...

A blog around escaping America, investing, and what to do in case of a disaster..

All Americans should consider the possibility of an end of America as we know it. It is not a matter of if, but when. Given the current political and economic climate in America, it's likely that it will happen sooner rather than later. Service industries such as dry cleaners, florists, hair stylists, banks and travel agents are already closing their businesses and relocating to Mexico. America is going to collapse from within, and in the coming years millions of citizens will relocate to Mexico for safety and security. I suggest you get ready now so that you can join them. By preparing for an uncertain future you will develop skills and knowledge that will serve you well in case of any emergency..

Rising debt, the growing divide between the rich and the poor, government corruption and the erosion of rights in America have led millions of people to start looking towards other countries as a place to live. .

America is rapidly getting worse, and it is only a matter of time before a major economic disaster strikes. It would be wise for all of us to consider how to prepare for that fateful day. That’s why we wrote this article; to tell you about some of the things you should do in advance if you plan on riding out whatever disaster America has in store for us..

-- There’s an old saying that goes, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” But we do it anyway, because we think things will be different this time. Then we wake up one morning and find that our hair has turned gray or fallen out from stress. We realize that we have the same relationship, job, house and car that we had when we were twenty years old. We’re twenty years older, but at the end of our life we are no further ahead in terms of finances than when we were fifteen years old. .

However, because this is how things work, you must plan for yourself before something happens. Your government is not going to save you. As I said before; the Titanic is sinking, and it’s up to you get to a lifeboat before it goes down. You have a lot of options to consider if things do fall apart. Remember that if you plan ahead, you will be able to survive anything thrown at you..
In the end, we don’t believe there’s any way to stop people from doing this regardless of what they say or what they promise. The United States is getting weaker, and Americans are going to keep looking at alternatives. In the end, hopefully this guide helps you find a good place to settle in..

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