3 years ago

Investigate why the U.S. fell behind other countries and how they were able to surpass it
Ever wonder why other countries—China, South Korea, and Russia—have been able to surpass U.S. when it comes to internet speeds? Why has the U.S. fallen behind in the global economy? These are questions worth considering, particularly for students who will live in an increasingly globalized world. This post discusses the answers to these questions and looks at how the U.S. fell behind and how other countries surpassed it with regards to internet speeds. .
The U.S. has been in a steep decline in math and science scores according to a 2016 international study. As of 2016, the U.S. is ranked 40th out of 72 countries in math, 34th in science, and 24th in reading (Source: Pisa 2015 Results). Why do other countries seem to be doing better than the US?.

Learn what happened to America's economy over the last few decades
The American empire has fallen and there is no coming back. It's dead, eaten by the corporate leeches that feed on its people. Here are the facts that led to the fall of the American empire..
The American standard of living reached an all-time high in the 50s. After that, it's been pretty much downhill (pun intended). Find out what happened to America's economy and what the future of America looks like..
The United States is no longer the wealthiest country in the world. In a matter of a few decades, the American empire has fallen and America has been thrust into a double-digit unemployment rate and student loan debt so high that many millennials now have negative net worth..

Learn what not to do if you want to stay ahead of the game in this global economy? .
There’s no point in pretending otherwise: the United States is in decline. It’s not cold-war hyperbole to say that the US empire is crumbling and American power is waning. Poor leadership, vanishing resources, ballooning debt, and a worsening job market are just some of the reasons that have led to the reduced dominance of America – which still holds the largest military on Earth. Economically, this translates into a rapidly growing need for foreign workers as well as lower wages for American workers. .
A new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas shows that America is already farther into a recession than most experts believed. The global economy is undergoing an era of deflation, which has created unrest in many countries around the world. The American empire will likely fall in the next decade as its economic power decreases..

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