BodyCentric Health 3

3 years ago

In harmony with the release of this video:
Starting on the 19th of December, I will be going on an extended fast.
That includes fasting from internet activities as well.

I was on YT a couple of months after it started. They destroyed at least seven of my channels. If you type "YouTube Exposed" in the search box on my website you will see for yourself, documented proof that I uncovered YT algorithms FIVE YEARS before everyone else did.

I am a Yale dropout who realized I was being lied to and decided to uncover the truth. I am PAST the stage of wanting to "wake people up."
So I hardly release videos anymore because until ownership is changed anything truly powerful gets taken down.

Don't waste your time trying to wake people up. WAKE YOURSELF UP. Trust me, you are FAR more asleep than you realize. Just because you're more awake than the other guy does NOT mean you're actually awake. You're just RELATIVELY awake. (Big difference).

We are living in a world full of lies. Most people try to solve this situation by starting in the middle. They fail because they refuse to start at the beginning. THE BEGINNING IS YOU.

Be suspicious of what you think you know. Pretty much EVERYTHING you've been taught is garbage, designed to give someone else power over you. Freedom ISN'T free. If you're not prepared to endure a healing crisis then sit down and shut up.

When I was naive and first started out, I had a whole internet video course that I constructed. YouTube destroyed it. They also destroyed my website by taking down the channel it was connected to.

The people who are trying to control you are ruthless and destructive. Nevertheless, they are not the problem. YOU are the problem. Thinking you already know how the world works prevents you from finding out how it REALLY works.

Trust NO ONE. They went through the same brainwashing process as you. Associate with people you consider to be of superior character. Avoid addicted personalities. You've got enough on your plate without taking on additional burdens.

Life is a gift. Respect yours.

Check out my website:

Approximately 50 per day visit that site. It's not a lot. But they visit EVERY day. In ten days that's 500 people. Which is 1,525 people every month. That's over EIGHTEEN THOUSAND people every year.

We're making inroads.

If you REALLY want to change your life, I HIGHLY recommend reading: Man's Higher Consciousness by Hilton Hotema.


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