Win Friday 12-17-21

3 years ago

Is it just me or what?

I can't remember a single time in the past 50+ years that there has been a string of sunrise and sunsets that are truly amazing.

Day after day I'm in awe as I step out into the world to get the day started.

As I drive home to end my day the sky has also been filled with fire.

What does it take to become self-aware of your surroundings?

How did the little things in perspective change your point of view?

Is it just me or what?

Chatting up my honey one night, she was at the ranch and I was in a hotel in downtown Chicago.

I had moved from the room to the pool deck to observe a once-in-a-lifetime event that was to unfold that night.

The sky was partly cloudy but it was clear enough to see what we were there to see.

Likewise she was in a position to look at the blood moon from her vantage point.

What we both saw next truly amazed both of us from different perspectives.

My observation was tainted with the big city light pollution.

Hers was not.

We both took pictures and talked our way through the event, truly amazed at the differences and subtle differences that we both experienced.

Never discount how something is perceived by another, for their truth for themselves is just as true as it is for you, in your stance. #dbrn

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