Differences between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism

3 years ago

Fr Thomas Hopko from "Speaking Truth in Love" comments on what the Roman Catholic Church would have to change in practice and beliefs for Orthodoxy to accept them into full communion. In doing so he provides a great list that outlines the current differences between the two faiths

Filoque 2:38
Modalism 4:26
Essence & Energies Distiction 5:47
Immaculate Conception & Formation of the Virgin Mary 6:29
Purgatory & Indulgences 8:26
Atonement 9:58
Papal Powers & Infallibility 11:20
Conciliarity 12:30
"Vicar of Christ" 13:40
Triple Immersion Baptism & Chrismation 15:15
Holy Communion for Infants and Young Children 15:35
Communion from the Current Liturgy 16:04
Communion in Both Kinds 17:07
Leavened Bread 17:28
Using Ancient Liturgical Practices 17:47
Election of the Pope 19:43
Abolishing Cardinals 20:36
No Universal Jurisdiction 21:14
The Authority of Local Bishops 22:30
Court of appeals 25:15
No Head of State 25:56


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Fr. Michael Lillie shares his experience the Orthodox Church. He currently is the rector of Nativity of Christ Orthodox Church in Youngstown, OH (MP-USA) https://nativityofchrist.net/

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