Jesus' Real Birth Date & The Actual Day of Resurrection

2 years ago

I have felt for sometime like God wanted me to know the true day of Jesus' birth. The other day I was thinking about it again and He simply told me to ask Jesus himself, since it HIS birthday. And well..... I did. And he actually told me what his real date of birth actually is. This also goes into the actual third day he was resurrected, not what most people believe and celebrate.


If anyone were to question how Jesus and his disciples ate the Passover feast if he himself died ON Passover, it is because Jesus had them celebrate it on the 13th day of Nissan (our Tuesday) not the 14th (our Wednesday).

Why is this? Because it was fitting for them to observe all that was lawful in the Torah. If you read, they ate unleavened bread (as prescribed for the Passover meal itself) and most likely bitter herbs as well, though the Gospels do not say.

Why do you think Jesus had his disciples drink of the wine and eat of the bread? During Passover, one was to eat of the Passover Lamb, Jesus WAS the Lamb, hence the bread being his body. The wine symbolized his blood, which was the blood of the Passover Lamb above the lentils on the door post.

Jesus and his disciples observed everything in the Passover tradition they could and then, on the actual 14th day of Nissan, the Passover proper, Jesus gave HIMSELF as the Lamb for EVERYONE.

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