3 years ago

In this video-based podcast episode, I discuss Covid 19 and mask mandated that was enforced once again in Los Angles and New York, two of the most liberal states, to encourage criminals to commit a crime without having a face to be identified as the old saying goes, no face no case. The masks are known not to deter anything but they are a great tool for criminals to commit crimes legally without being caught or identified since masks make it complex for criminals to be identified when it covers the most important parts of their face. Covid masks are enforced for psychological reasons to tell people to shut their mouths and conform and obey without any questions while enabling criminals to destroy what is left of America and its capitalism which small businesses represent. COVID was created to destroy America and its capitalism, and masks were enforced to deter arrests of criminals while making cashless bail in liberal states to encourage violence while lowering fines and lowering penalties from felony to misdemeanor to allow criminals to commit more crime knowing the jail time is zero to none for the same crime that was classified as a felony for decades. This is all part of the plan, destroy the law and order which America is so famous for and attractive to all immigrants and once the law is dismantled by not enforcing it, then defund the police and then when there is no law or law enforcement to enforce it just bring in the military to take over like it happed in 1945 in Germany and you have yourself a socialist fascist government that obeys no rules or constitution and does what they please in the name of health and safety which again has nothing to do with COVID or virus but COVID is used to have a socialist fascist system in place and then convert it to communism overtime. We are living in fascism in some states like my own, Los Angeles, California and people are conforming to it for their own survival of the fetus while our rights are being destroyed by the second. We are the protectors as the people of our freedoms and the freedoms that we all enjoy and love in America, if we allow them to be taken away in the name of COVID then we will forever lose those freedoms. Time is now, not tomorrow or next year. Resist fascist tactics and decrees and America will be saved. United We Will Stand and Divided We Will Fall, just like Rome did. Enjoy!!!

Love You All
- Ari Gold

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