紅州捷報 與文婕談疫情;壓制安全藥 提倡有毒苗 散播恐慌 製造分裂 迫害家庭 毒害小孩

3 years ago

Key points
The whole thing was planned to get people vaccinated
1. Suppression of early treatments
2. Silent doctors who want to say the truth
3. Minimize vaccines side effects
4. Promote fear: 99% in hospital unvaccinated…a lie
5. Use of wrong drug Remdesevir on patients which caused kidney failures
6. 引誘小孩子打疫苗。甚至用芝麻街的玩偶。但是輕看心肌炎的風險
7. 沒有任何的安全資料審查。評審委員都和藥廠有關係
8. 整件事情由政府 藥廠媒體界傳送假訊息叫大家去打疫苗。而且這個疫苗有很嚴重的副作用

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