Answering the Biggest Objections to Christianity by Dr Ravi Zacharias

3 years ago

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This is one of the greatest pieces of Christian Apologetics material which I've ever seen, and I believe that it is important for it to be viewable for Rumble users.

GUIDE: For those who want to know what is covered in this Q&A, the questions that are addressed are: Intro: Do we have a God of the gaps (i.e. will science answer all our questions?)

Does Jesus claim He is divine or did we decide He is? @17:30
How do you respond to non-believers who accuse Christians of being hateful to people who support lifestyles that are not according to our faith (e.g. homosexuality)? @20:38
What is your advice to local churches about how to engage with society's issues using music and the arts? @31:58
How do you explain the drastic difference between the wrathful Old Testament God and gracious New Testament God? @39:50
If our God is a loving God, why is the path to heaven so narrow? @48:30
How can I believe in a God that has let me go through so much suffering? @53:57
Are Christians called to be passivists in military services? @1:09:27
How do we study apologetics and approach others about our faith? @1:15:16
I believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God are co-eternal but I don't understand why it says Jesus is the Son of God? @1:24:07

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