C60 Evo's ESS60 - The EVOlution of the Carbon 60 Miracle Molecule - Chris Burres C60Evo.com

3 years ago

Chris Burres, one of the owners of C60 Evo, shares why ESS60 different than other c60 products. Our ESS60 was used in the original “2012 Paris Baati Study” where lab rats lived 90% longer than the other test subjects. There were three groups of mammals: One group was given water (the control group), another group was given olive oil, and the third group was given olive oil with C60 (ESS60) in it. The olive oil group lived 30% longer than the control group who were given water. The test subjects that ingested olive oil with ESS60 not only lived twice as long as the control group, but also very important, the rats who ingested our ESS60 died without any tumors which is very uncommon.
C60 Evo’s 100% pure ESS60 is processed to be safe for human consumption. Some (other) C60 products on the market have been found to contain solvents which are known be dangerous to your health.
C60 Evo’s ESS60/C60 are also always mixed with high-quality organic oils. Be aware that some companies selling C60 products in MCT oils are using palm oil rather than organic coconut oil.
Our products are never heated (sonicated), because oils can go rancid easily at high temperatures. The way that sonication units work is they create sound waves that are bombarding the fluid from all directions. Waves from
different angles will coincide to get “peaks” that create micro-scale areas of extremely high temperatures. So although sonication may not be raising the temperature of the entire batch that much, it does heat micro-scale areas within the batch to extremely high temperatures. There is research that shows oils going rancid during sonication and for this reason we never sonicate C60 Evo products.
Another important aspect of mixing ESS60 correctly with oil is to be sure that it doesn’t get oxidized. The only way to be assured that this will not happen is to mix your product in oxygen-free production vessels that are positively pressured with an inert unreactive gas to ensure no oxidation.
C60 Evo formulations are mixed for three weeks to be sure that the saturation of ESS60 reaches their maximum levels. For reference, the maximum levels that each oil holds are noted below:
Coconut oil holds .35 mg/mL’s of C60 – No matter how long it is stirred or how much ESS60/C60 is added.
Avocado oil holds .6 mg/mL’s of ESS60/C60.
Olive oil holds .8 mg/mL of ESS60/C60 – This is why we recommend C60 Evo Olive Oil!
Note: if you receive your C60 Evo product when outside temperatures are colder the product may coagulate and become more viscous or solid. Don’t worry, just all the product to come to room temperature and it will normalize. It is important to keep your C60 Evo products out of direct sunlight as well.
Because we are the largest C60 manufacturer/distributor in the world, and we sell the safest C60 product available today, 100% pure ESS60.

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