3 years ago

If this had been a group of black men kicking in Breonna’s door and exchanging gun fire with her boyfriend this story wouldn’t have made it past local news. Anyone who doubts my words I challenge you to search “SHOOTINGS IN CHICAGO LAST WEEKEND” and tell me if you were aware of any national news coverage on what you find. As long as the situation is advantageous to the cause, (white cop shooting black perpetrator), it will be exploited nationally as long as possible and “THE CAUSE” is not the welfare of black Americans but the destruction of liberty itself. These ignorant black Americans who protest the treatment and/or death of violent criminals and their accomplices that destroy their own neighborhoods are whipped up into an emotional frenzy with lies, carefully edited videos, sensationalized reporting and opportunistic activists, lawyers and politicians. If these self proclaimed Social Justice Warriors actually cared about black lives then inner-city violence, black abortion, the breakdown of the black nuclear family, nutrition and preventative health care, and making education a priority would be at the top of their list - not police brutality and not only when it’s white cop black person.


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