His Delays Are Our Protection

3 years ago

Hello, Brothers and Sister and Heartdwellers family. May we really see and understand that when the Lord delays our plans it truly is his protection.

So, I mentioned to you guys in the previous message when asking for donations, that I had pulled a Rhema card after finishing the message that said,

“Sometimes, when God delays your plans it is your protection”. At first, I thought no, our trip can’t be delayed again—this must be to confirm the message. However, two days ago I woke up to a text from a Heartdwellers who sent me a link from BBC that the Ghana President has just passed an ordinance effective this upcoming Monday that anyone traveling to Ghana would have to take the jab at the airport. I was dumbfounded, in shock and so saddened by the news. Not because we cannot go to Ghana as planned but all of the people who will be infected by taking the shot going there. You see Ghana is probably the most frequently traveled nation in African this month. This is our peak season when all the foreigners travel there for vacation, and many go to visit family. So, for them to put this out not giving any weeks’ notice and not considering the many that have booked tickets, which on average, are over $1000, it seems like a setup. Many will give in to this because they see the loss of the ticket, their money, their plans, far greater than taking a shot that they don’t realize will kill them.

Recognizing now that we have been delayed again for the fourth time, all I could do was laugh—realizing, yet again, the Lord continues to humble me and really stretch my faith. The good thing is both tickets can be canceled and refunded. So, whew, thank you, Lord.

I let Therese know, and the whole family, as this news was met with mixed emotions.
Then during worship, the Lord played a song called “Hold Me Close”. I thought it was him playing the song over me until I realized that he wanted and needed to be held. I was feeling his sadness over this situation. So, I came before him saying,

Lord, in all of this, I forget so many times that you are hurting, that you are suffering for these souls as well. And, Lord, that you desire to be held. I am so sorry. I do not know what to do. No one seems to listen or take us seriously

Jesus began,

“The President of Ghana is a good man, but with so many pressures, he has fallen into this grave decision like so many other countries and so many more that will follow. The wickedness of the Deep State and the New World Order agenda runs deep—that many are being used as puppets in office to fulfill their agenda.

“So many will be infected by this new ordinance—so many—as people still don’t see that I have allowed these things to cause delays and roadblocks in their lives—in their wrong decisions. But they continue forward, hurdling over every barrier. And to some this won’t be a barrier but a means of getting the jab because seeing their loved ones, going to worldly amusements like weddings, are more important as their consciences are now dulled and they think, ‘This is how it’s going to be, so I might as well get the shot now rather than waiting, not realizing it will lead to their demise. I am so pleased with the group’s efforts to pray as you guys have been doing. You will be greatly rewarded. I am doing something special in Heartdwellers and you are such a vital part of what I am about to birth. Keep pressing in, keep praying, and the fire will be given to consume your enemies, to retrieve lost territory, and gain more. And new anointings I wish to give each of you, powerful anointings at a greater measure. Encourage them to continue to offer every little sacrifice as much as they can to back up your prayers.

“Keep in mind these little ones, these ignorant ones, not just in Ghana, but even those flying into the U.S. for Christmas, keep in mind all those who will take the shot this month. This holiday has become time for family and entertainment rather than holy, set apart to adore me in the chambers of their heart. To be like the three kings who offered myrrh, which represented sacrifice; frankincense, which represented prayer; gold, which represented love. That is what I ask for this Christmas. Offer me those virtues of sacrifice, prayer, and love, My beloved brides, and pray, pray. Things will begin to unfold rapidly.”

After this, I thought the message was done, and I kept getting laziness in the Bible Promises until the Holy Spirit made it clear that the message was not finished yet. So, I came back to the Lord.

I’m sorry Lord, I thought you were done with the message. I guess I was being lazy in hearing for more of what you had to say. Forgive me, Jesus, what is on your heart?

Jesus continued,

“It is okay, My beloved little one. You are becoming more sensitive and sharper in discerning. You see, when I break you in any way, especially in discernment it is to cause you to rise up, equipping you with much more precision in discernment. You see, I work all things out for your good. [Smiling] Thank you for not leaving my side, My beloved one, and realizing I too need to be held. I am in need of the consolation and comfort of my brides now more than ever. Not only are so many engrossed in the world and in avarice, but so many continue on in error and obscurity of their own lives and have no thought of their eternity which is soon approaching. I know many of you have undergone much mocking and scoffing by those closest to you. But truly, so many things are upon you, My beloved ones.

Prepare yourselves for a storm, but it won’t consume my faithful ones. You will shine like bright lamps, and torches of hope, and wisdom in the midst of a very dark fog that is coming not just on your nation, but the whole world. Those who have taken the shot themselves will see, as dividing lines begin to get larger between those who are for it, and those who are against it. Stand your ground, My beloved ones, and pray. It is in the darkest hour that your words will come to the mind of those you have spoken to and resonate deeply within their hearts. Be close, stay with me and prepare yourselves by sitting at My Mothers’ feet as you wait for my birth and present to me yourself as a gift—a living sacrifice for the salvation of souls.

Don’t get distracted by the festivities or even news headlines because they will begin to come as liberties in your nation begin to be removed especially this Christmas season. They know that this is a peak season for many to go out, to buy and sell and they will use every vantage point to take advantage of that to ensure people are vaccinated or pressured to take the shot so they can have access to do long-time traditions and give in to their indulgences.”

But Lord, no one will listen, and I guess that is why I got the Rhema about mocking and scoffing two days in a row.

Jesus responded,

“Let them scoff and mock, My beloved brides, for that is nothing new and is a standard of my approval upon a soul’s life who has a prophetic call. Not one word of mine spoken will fall to the ground. It has been delayed time and time again. but it will happen. When events begin to take place then they will believe but it will be too late for many then. Stand on my word, stay at my feet and pray my beloved brides I am absolutely counting on you.”

That was the end of Jesus’ message.

Our Second Youtube Channel: Heartdwellers Ghana
Rumble Channel: Heartdwellers Ghana
Bitchute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/WoVWU1hFxOXd/

Website: www.HeartdwellersGhana.org
Email: HeartdwellersGhana@gmail.com

To send check: PO Box 1113 Taos, NM 87571
to Heartdwellers, and memo to Heartdwellers Ghana

If you would like to donate towards the mission City Of God: Sacred Heart Refuge in Ghana or to this ministry 🙏🌹💓💐
Follow this link to PayPal,

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