7@7 #108: Lessons from Bethlehem 3

3 years ago

Are you devoted to Christ? Do you delight in Him? Pastor/Professor Andrew Marquez reflects on the Christmas Carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem. Devotion Promotes Delight. God promises to care for His sheep (Micah 5:4a). His care causes our delight. Still, not all Christians delight in the Lord equally. The depth of our devotion increases our delight in our Savior. We need to incorporate devotional practices that stimulate our desire for Jesus. Pray, read the Scripture, attend church, fast, abstain, fellowship, serve, and witness. These things, performed from a meek heart, will draw you closer to Christ. He will enter you and dine with you. You will increase in delight of Him for eternity.

Dr. Andrew Marquez is Director/Dean of Wayland Baptist University's Arizona Campuses (www.wbu.edu/arizona) and Executive Pastor of North Swan Baptist Church (www.northswanbaptist.com).

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