Navarro Defies Subpoena: Corona Committee Continues Trump Admin Witch Hunt

2 years ago

The January 6 committee isn’t the only Congressional witch hunt going on right now. There’s also a House select committee on the coronavirus crisis.

Now, to be clear, we’d be perfectly fine with a Congressional investigation into the coronavirus pandemic response. But we’d also be fine with an investigation into January 6 – imagine finally learning the full truth about what the FBI knew, how much it knew in advance, how many agent provocateurs there were. But we’re not getting that. We’re just getting subpoenas to Steve Bannon and Mark Meadows trying to frame them in a bogus “insurrection.”

And so it’s the same thing with this coronavirus committee. They don’t want to figure out how we ended up with the suicidal lockdowns strategy, or how we gave sweetheart deals to Big Pharma making them legally immune for damages caused by their rushed bio weapon shots. They aren’t figuring out what the Chinese Communist Party did to unleash this pandemic on the world. Instead, we’re getting a Stalinist committee that asks why we didn’t obliterate American rights more. Why weren’t there more lockdowns?

Former Trump Administration official Peter Navarro just got subpoenaed for documents by this committee. However, he has defied that subpoena. He says he is following a direct order from President Trump to cite executive privilege against the committee’s demands.

Instead of testifying for that committee, in fact, Peter Navarro is coming onto this show.

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