YBA06 - The Antichrist and His Prophet -- Landarks: Why We Should Build an Ark - topic06

3 years ago

The early Church (2nd to 3rd centuries) understood the Antichrist to be a power that would emerge after the fall of the Roman Empire (AD 476). They reckoned that the time of persecution would be even worse under the Antichrist than at times under the Roman emperor. Therefore, church fathers and teachers urged Christians to pray for the Roman Empire and its continued existence, despite repeated persecutions, so that the appearance of the Antichrist would be postponed as long as possible. Though the early Christianity could not provide clear information about the identity of the Antichrist because his appearance was still in the future, the Christianity of the Middle Ages, the Reformation and late Protestantism could clearly see in retrospect what power it was that emerged from the ruins of the the Roman Empire, became a world ruling power, and persecuted Christians all over the world for their allegiance to Bible truth.
After the reign of the first beast in Revelation 13 (= Antichrist), another power was to enter the stage of this world’s history: the beast from the earth, also called the "False Prophet", the United States of America.

This "Landarks" series is about the necessity to establish a country living lifestyle that is as self-sufficient as possible. I will show 7 reasons why we should build an "ark", which means a home out in the country.
The current crisis has shown how vulnerable our world is, how quickly it can be turned upside down. The Bible “promises” that it will not get better, on the contrary. Serious and difficult times are ahead of us. God has warned us of these things, not to satisfy our curiosity but to give us the chance to be prepared - like when he gave Pharao the dream of the coming famine. It was a smart thing for Josef and the rest of Egypt to pray, no doubt, but they should also become active. God is informing us likewise of things to come is calling us to action: spiritual and physical preparation.

recorded: April - June 2021

List of topics:
01. A rejected Plan
02. A Life According to God's Design
03. Ancient History repeated
04. The Love for the Truth
05. Jesus' End-Time Speech (The Abomination of Desolation – Part 1)
06. The Antichrist and His Prophet (The Abomination of Desolation – Part 2)
07. The Image and the Mark of the Beast (The Abomination of Desolation – Part 3)
08. The Kingdom of Babylon?
09. God’s Judgment upon the Cities
10. En Route to the Image
11. The Call for a Christian Law
12. A worldwide Reform
13. An Ark and its Mission
14. The End of the Ages


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