How Bad is My Batch? - Craig Paardekooper

3 years ago

I have created a web app called How Bad is My Batch

The app will enable the public to look up their batch code and see how many deaths, adverse reactions, disabilities and hospitalisations are associated with that code.

It is for Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen batch codes, and based on US data in VAERS.

It is crucially important that the web app is distributed and hosted far and wide, since the political situation is now changing rapidly as you can see from what is happening in Australia and Austria. They are planning to impose large fines on the unvaxed !! It is vital that we shift public consciousness and awareness to slow down and avert these and other atrocities in your own countries and in others..

I am looking to raise £100 to pay for web hosting and a URL, so this can go online.

I know the app will be very popular even with pro vax - they want to know what they have taken, and anti-vax want to know which batches are dangerous. Doctors and nurses could also use this app to see how risky a particular batch is BEFORE they prescribe it.

I expect about 10 million + users.

Please contact me to make a donation.. My email is

I don't have a paypal account but contributions can be paid into my HSBC account -

Mr C A Paardekooper
Account number 21676571
Sort Code 40 06 15

I am grateful for any support you can offer.

PS. If anyone wishes to add the webapp to their existing website, then I will provide the source code to them for free - just email me. It is completely free - but a donation would always be appreciated.


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