Open Minds S2 EP 29 Kate Thorvaldsen A Hybrids Story

2 years ago

Kate Thorvaldsen close encounters and implants.
Kate Thorvaldsen was born in Drammen, Norway in 1969. She had her first close encounter when she was only three years old during which she met one of the small Greys. They visited her in her bedroom in order to check that she was in good health. This was the feeling they gave her through telepathy, while she, on the other hand, believed that the Grey being was Santa Claus, because she had recently been told that he would be visiting soon.
She was ten years old when she met them for a second time and was was taken up into the craft. She lost her sense of smell during this event, and the encounter was also reported to UFO-Norway as a light phenomenon in 1979.After the second close encounter, she began to tell her family and school friends about other life forms and life on other planets. However, she received very little response from them.
She was twenty nine years old when she had her third close encounter. She was alone in a very isolated cabin on Gol mountain where she had gone to work on her book. The morning after the encounter she awoke to find several strange sharp edged marks on her right eyelid. The next evening she discovered that her behavior had changed from being relaxed to being scared.
When she was later brought back down to the city where there was electricity, she found that she had become highly sensitive to sounds. She could hear electronic noises from many different types of equipment, and even had to leave the room while her mobile phone was being charged. She had become very light sensitive, and her sense of smell had returned.
In January 2016, it was suggested that she should check to see if she had any implants in her. She had found a triangular shaped object under the skin on her neck, so she purchased small neodymium magnets to see if they would stick there. The magnet stuck! Further checking revealed thirty two implants which were symmetrically placed on her body.
With help from UFO-Norway, she managed to have x-rays taken by a private chiropractor which showed tiny black marks inside her body where the magnets had stuck.
She has now written a book entitled; «A Hybrid’s Story», where she tells the story of her life. This includes not only her close encounters but also from her spiritual journey which includes poltergeists, spiritual helpers from the other side, past lives and the effect they can have on today’s life, and helping the police with a murder enquiry in Norway.
She will complete her next book in 2021-2022 concerning a new type of physics. Where she cover cosmology, quantum physics and astrophysics.
Its called «The Creation»- where physics and consciousness meet.
More information can be found at;

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