The Curious Case of Hydroxychloroquine: the drug without a patent

3 years ago

The curious case of Hydroxychloroquine.

Hyroxychloroquine …. apparently a conspiracy theorist TRUMP’ed up medication (excuse the pun) that does nothing to help treat COVID 19…. but is that true.

Our curious story starts back in 2005 with an infamous article in the Journal of Virology. The title is Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus. OK let’s stop there: for one chloroquine is not hydroxychlroquine…. but the two drugs have very similar actions. Second: SARS coronavirus is not COVID19 - but they are very similar. Third you may have heard that the article was authored by Dr Fauci or that the Journal of Virology is a publication of the national institute of health run by Dr Fauci (both assertions are untrue).

But the article does suggest that the research community knew that hydroxychloroquine may have an effect against COVID 19 and this is where things become interesting.

Then COVID19 hit late 2019 to early 2020. Individual doctors were starting to have significant success with the use of Hydroxychloroquine (in combination with Zinc and a macrolide antibiotic) against COVID19 when used early in the disease. It’s use began to become widespread and as 2020 progressed multiple studies were starting to be done worldwide.

Then something strange happened; there was a paper published in May 22, 2020 in the once prestigious journal the Lancet that claimed to have investigated 96,000 patients from 671 hospitals across the world. It was provided by the Surgisphere Corporation. The study claimed that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous and caused cardiac complications. However; It turned out the whole study was a hoax and pure fiction and was retracted by Lancet on June 4th 2020…. but not before the WHO had used it to remove HCQ off the list of drug treatments for COVID and whole trials were shut down across the world because of the knock-on effects. The WHO removed all research into the drug. The media jumped on board labelling the drug dangerous and using it to criticise Trump in a highly politicised fashion. It was used by giant social media companies to shut down discussion of HCQ as a treatment for COVID.

In contrast the retraction of the article, which was forced by the glaring errors in the study picked up by those who were using hydroxychloroquine clinically, was silenced. The originators of the monumental fraud were never punished …. and the links to Big Pharma (and the demonisation of a drug without a patent and therefore no profit potential) were never seriously investigated. Big pharmaceutical companies have tremendous influence (due to their huge profit margins) in both media and government and the most likely source of this fake study into the effectiveness of a drug without a profit margin would be their dark influential money.

In this study the main author Dr Mandeep Mehra was from Brigham Health…. and Brigham Health had a major contract with Big Pharma’s Gilead Sciences related to the development of Remdesivir for treatment for COVID.

According to the former French Health Minstoer Philippe Douste -Blazy he was told by editors at the Lancet in private… “If this continues, we are not going to be able to publish any more clinical research data because pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful today, and are able to use such methodologies as to have us accept papers which are apparently methodologically perfect, but which, in reality, manage to conclude what they want to conclude.”

A plethoria of studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of HCQ…. but still medical authorities refuse to budge. They have their own studies that contradict this. Of course, given the tens of billions of dollars on the line for pharmaceutical companies research can be bought, along with medical authorities. Often the studies they quote do not use HCQ where it is most effective; ie: in combination with Zinc or early on in the treatment.

Zinc is critically important. HCQ, along with IVermectin allow Zinc to enter cells where it inhibits RNA polymerase (the enzyme which allows COVID 19 to replicate) thus shutting down virus replication.

Unfortunately Ivermectin, which has almost no side effects at all, other than some diarrhoea with quite massive doses has also been consigned to the garbage pit of non profitable drugs. Whole countries have used Ivermectin to save 100,s of thousands of people across the world but our compromised and corrupt medical industrial complex in a blood thristy desire to make more money through vaccines doesn’t care. Profit at any cost…. In Australia Ivermectin prescription for COVID is banned and doctors can lose their licence by mentioning it as a treatment. Despite this 1000,s of ordinary Australians have imported Ivermectin all over the world in order to use as treatment should they find themselves at the mercy of a serious COVID infection.

The corrupt medical industrial complex needs to be prosecuted for their greed; allowing people to die in order to sell them a vaccine…. And the question arises if they are this blood thirsty did they initially plant COVID in order to sell the vaccine. Human suffering does not seem to phase them. And if they were willing to do this for COVID…. have they been doing this with INfluenza or the Flu…. do they create the next influenza strain in a lab only to also provide the treatment. Are they evil enough to do this…. I no longer have any doubt….. but are they doing it? I have no idea.

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