Polyamory - Should you try it? 🧐 A trenchant critique of "Sex at Dawn" and faux-edgy non-monogamy

3 years ago

"Sex at Dawn" by Christopher Ryan is about how humans are naturally promiscuous and non-monogamous. It has a pretty obvious message; humans are animals and we like to f**k. We naturally want to maximize hedonism, minimize effort, enjoy novelty, and we tend to be promiscuous.
In this podcast with my wife, we delve into the downsides of polyamory. If you’re considering experimenting with faux-edgy non-monogamy, LISTEN to this!

Read "Against Cucks" 📑 Everything Mentioned Here

1:45 A ridiculous polyamory story
13:05 Should you try polyamory?
16:00 Is there a way to make polyamory work?
17:28 A critique of Sex at Dawn
19:28 Aubrey Marcus is a cuck
27:21 It’s more trouble than it’s worth
30:59 Monogamy is not natural, but right
35:05 Evidence against sexual liberation
38:09 Sexual liberation destroys the family
41:31 Cultural cuckoldy
43:53 The downsides of polyamory
48:54 Burning down civilization
53:09 Don’t take advice from vapid travelers
57:24 The Bonobo Question
59:45 On promiscuity
1:01:00 The Libertarian Argument

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