Tsai Ing-wen Fake PhD_ What you should know about Taiwan President's education

2 years ago

University professors and media celebrities in Taiwan held an international press conference in Taipei on the final hearing on the alleged academic fraud of Tsai Ing-wen.

Ho De-fen, law professor emeritus at the National Taiwan University, accused Tsai, who is also the leader of the pro-secessionist Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), of having forged her doctoral dissertation and her academic credentials from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Challenged by the accusations, Taiwan regional government claimed that LSE had issued a formal statement to confirm that Tsai was correctly awarded a PhD in Law in 1984.

Associate professor Hwan C. Lin at the University of North Carolina and media celebrity Dennis Peng attended the press conference through video.


據中時電子報9日報導,除了論文題目不同外,記者會上公佈的其他證據包括:2015年補發的博士證書是“二度變造的贗品”;認證博士學位的神秘文件是偽造文書;大學規定畢業前應繳交3本論文,但無一存在;唯獨蔡英文不在大學法學論文的連續編號裡;從未有外部口試委員繳回蔡英文博士論文紀錄;從未有蔡英文博士論文指導教授繳回博士論文的紀錄等。彭文正說,兩年多的調查證明了“蔡英文的合格博士論文根本就從未完成,也因此才一直提不出法學博士證書的原始文件”,反而藉由體制力量偽造文件、違法亂紀、欺騙台灣人民,“她的整個發跡過程,對台灣人民而言是傷害了全民機會均等與社會分配正義、玷污了學術倫理、踐踏法律公平、藐視道德正義”。 3人呼籲蔡英文履行自己的職責,將論文真相公諸於世。

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