Tucker Carlson Tonight 15 Dec 2021

3 years ago

The IIC has fulfilled his purpose, but is so toxic to the American public (as is the vice IIC) CNN are floating trial balloons of other democratic "leaders" as a replacement candidate in 2024. Yep, less than a year in and they are throwing him over the side. Dana Perino joins Tucker to discuss their options, and throws out a name not on the CNN list.
HILLARY CLINTON. We can only hope.
Shifty Schiff is at it again, presenting ALTERED TEXT MESSAGES to congress and the media to make his 6 Jan case. What a slimy POS he is. Kevin Corke joins Tucker to present the information.
Next is a short clip from TC Today with Ingo Rademacher, a long time actor on General Hospital that was just canned for not getting the gene therapy. Will definitely watch this one.
Sean Duffy, former WI Congressman who had Waukesha in his district joins Tucker to discuss the MSM/IIC response to the racist, terroristic attack TWO WEEKS ago. Finally the IIC sends representatives to meet the families and they send the C team. Disgraceful.
Finally, the UK Parliament largely accepts the Wuhan Lab Leak theory as the source of the Pandemic. Duh. Steven Mosher from the Population Research Institute Press joins Tucker to explain, and to give an even more dire prediction for future revelations. B_oweap_n inadvertent release? Mr. Mosher says that in the next year or two, this will be proven out. Very interesting. He'd be a great guest for the long form TC Today.

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