Rick Joyner Testimony Vision about America 2 Chronicles 7:14

2 years ago

After the crazy election of 2020 Rick Joyner shares his vision testimony about several encounters with Jesus. He kept asking Jesus about the election and his answer was 2 Chronicles 7:14. He said that American did pray regarding the election, but they didn’t turn from their wicked way.
This will be a sermon preaching in regard to that vision. Preaching about prayer. Ricky Joyner revelation total wrecked me and sent me into a season of prayer and fasting. I didn’t want to be one of those who didn’t turn from their wicked ways. So I started to seek God about what he wanted to change in my life and I focused on three areas
God kept meeting me of this fast and I shares the ways he spoke to me
Revelation 3 which states, “ I call you to buy gold refined in the fire”.
While taking Ken Fish Inner Healing course at Orbis school of ministry I was hit hard by one particular lesson: Humility and self-evaluation. I knew that I had to take a posture of humility for God to be able to show me the areas of my life he wanted to change. Ken fish is someone I have been studying under for several years now.
And lastly I was hit by a few John Bevere quotes that left me crying. He stated God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him in faith. A causal effort is no good here. We must seek him with out whole heart

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Looking for a Christian Rumble Channels or a Christian Youtubers to watch then Look no further. The Torn Curtain Christian Rumble channel is for you. So let me tell you a little bit about myself if your interested. Josh has a degree in Applied Psychology from NYU and went to seminary at Bethel University and ORU University. Josh spent several years in full time ministry youth & college ministry. He also helped plant a large church in Long Island NY which is no one of the fastest growing churches in America. For the last decade I have attended New Life Fellowship Church in NYC home of Emotionally Healthy Discipleship which is in 800 churches and 30 nations started by Peter Scazzero. I worked under Pete teaching the course and getting mentorship from him. Josh also led living waters and cross current at the church which is a program for the sexual broken and the LBGTQ community. Josh also worked on the Inner Healing and Deliverance Team. Josh is now a student at Orbis School of Ministry run by Ken Fish. Josh is in the process of building Torn Curtain ministry to bring revival, renewal, and reformation of the church. I would also like to plant and church and a house of prayer in NYC.

Contact me at josh@torncurtain.org

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