Open Letter - Part 1

3 years ago

Part 1 of 2.

What is the significance of a label such as ‘vaccine’? Would you sign your child up to a life time of booster shots? Where was the scientific justification for the lockdown measures? What is the evidence on the effectiveness of masks? In 2021 is “trust the science” much more than hollow rhetoric? These are questions I needed answers to so as to be able to make informed decisions.

Whilst exploring these topics I noticed that skepticism of the ‘dominant narrative’, even just asking questions – will lead to accusations of being anti-vax, selfish, conspiracy-nut-job, or even anti-science. I don’t feel I’m any of these things - these labels aren’t helpful; they shut down conversations and maybe only serve to make the people using the labels feel better about their own decisions.

I feel we have to be able to consider other viewpoints, we need on-going discourse at a time when individual rights and freedoms are being stripped away from us. If this video can start some conversations and get you asking more questions then I’ve done what I set out to do.

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