Women Make 'Nice Guys' Beg for Scraps

3 years ago

We have another breakdown of a man and a woman and these two happen to be ENGAGED... which you would have never guessed by watching how she treats him. How do you think this one will end between them??

Women Make 'Nice Guys' Beg for Scraps

Full disclaimer, this is not to encourage human beings to not be KIND to other human beings.

But what this is, is a REDPILL for men having to do strictly with intersexual dynamics.

When I say 'nice guy' what I mean is a guy that wants to be seen or considered as 'nice' so he plays that role even when he doesn't want to play that role.

An example - if a woman asks you as a man to do something that you don't want to do (let's just say she asks you to drop everything you are working on a and take her out to dinner).

A 'nice guy' will stop what he is doing and bend to her will.

Now you can be a 'nice person' or a 'kind person' but when you don't want to do something, just say NO.

When you don't like a 'rule' or 'demand' a woman gives you, just say NO.

The problem with the 'nice guy' that you see in todays video is he is too eager to make her happy.

He is way too clingy and lovestruck so he ends up being the 'nice guy' to his fiance... and you can tell she is not at all feeling it.

Women want a man that beats to his own drum

Enjoy the video above, and if you are looking for more of the actual OFFENSE on how to attract women and get them to completely buy into your 'frame' as a man

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