YBA04 - The Love for the Truth -- Landarks: Why We Should Build an Ark - topic04

3 years ago

The Holy Scripture teaches that there will be a great falling away within Christianity at the end of days, for Christians will be deceived by “deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons”. Due to the working of the Antichrist and false prophets and teachers, authorized and empowered through false signs and wonders, all those who “did not receive the love of the truth” will “perish”.
Therefore, according to Paul, it is essential that Christians receive the love for the truth “that they might be saved”. But what is the love of the truth and what else is the Bible teaching about this great apostasy?

This "Landarks" series is about the necessity to establish a country living lifestyle that is as self-sufficient as possible. I will show 7 reasons why we should build an "ark", which means a home out in the country.
The current crisis has shown how vulnerable our world is, how quickly it can be turned upside down. The Bible “promises” that it will not get better, on the contrary. Serious and difficult times are ahead of us. God has warned us of these things, not to satisfy our curiosity but to give us the chance to be prepared - like when he gave Pharao the dream of the coming famine. It was a smart thing for Josef and the rest of Egypt to pray, no doubt, but they should also become active. God is informing us likewise of things to come is calling us to action: spiritual and physical preparation.

recorded: April - June 2021

List of topics:
01. A rejected Plan
02. A Life According to God's Design
03. Ancient History repeated
04. The Love for the Truth
05. Jesus' End-Time Speech (The Abomination of Desolation – Part 1)
06. The Antichrist and His Prophet (The Abomination of Desolation – Part 2)
07. The Image and the Mark of the Beast (The Abomination of Desolation – Part 3)
08. The Kingdom of Babylon?
09. God’s Judgment upon the Cities
10. En Route to the Image
11. The Call for a Christian Law
12. A worldwide Reform
13. An Ark and its Mission
14. The End of the Ages

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