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The Blessed Virgin is NOT Catholic
The Blessed Virgin is NOT Catholic
The Lord bless you, precious family, let all hearts be opened to the Lord's wisdom today. Last night in prayer, I heard, "The Blessed Virgin Mother is NOT Catholic, any more than I am Catholic. I did not realize it at the time, but this was, Jesus is speaking to me. Jesus continued, "She is Universal and Scriptural. She belongs to all who profess to be Christians. Do not write her off because Satan has convinced you that she is Earth Goddess."
And here I just want to pause for a minute and give you an example. For instance, Satanic worship is based on the Abrahamic covenant of shedding in blood in atonement to Satan.
This is the mockery of the Lord's Supper and Communion which we partake of. In the same way, they profess to have a queen of Heaven, who is a very, very evil spirit, another mockery for the mother of Jesus. And instead of the Great Cloud of Witnesses that Paul talks about, they have familiar spirits to deceive people. They mimic the healthy traditions of the church, but they pervert them. He is not just father of lies, he is also the father of perversion, and he is good at putting in counterfeits. Anything we do, they mimic, even the blood sacrifice, it is mimicking the Eucharist and Communion.
Jesus continued, "So, I am asking you to please set aside the traditions of your denominations and what man has taught you and examine the Scriptures thoroughly. One point that I would like to bring up is the Holy Trinity is nowhere mentioned in the Scriptures."
And here I would like to pause for just a minute and introduce a few observations I have had:
It was the bishops of the church, the Apostles who formulated the Trinity doctrine who came together to ratify the canon of the Scripture that brought this doctrine forth and introduced it to the Christian world. It is not in the Scriptures, but you can deduce, based on the Scriptures, for instance in Genesis, when God speaks, He talks about 'We', and when God visits Abraham to tell him he was going to have a son, He comes as three people, rather than just one. And then of course, when the Lord says, "I and My Father are one and the same". So, by taking these parts of Scripture ad examining them and how they relate to one another, the whole concept of the Trinity was born and stands as the truth to this day. So, let us look at what Scripture says about the Blessed Mother and make our own decisions as to where she stands in the church based on the Scriptures. Jesus continued,
All generations shall call me blessed. Luke 1:48." Do you know how many curse and denounce her, My very own Mother? Do you know how offensive that is to Me? I understand that you do it because your denomination told you to do it, but this is the time of equipping, and many are lacking the protection and wisdom she could impart to you to form you as My Bride. She is, after all, the mother of the Bride and what greater stature can any soul have than the salutations of an angel? Luke 1:26 and the privilege of giving birth to Me?
You believe certain evangelists have clout with Me, but you are blind to the fact that My Mother has more clout than all the angels and saints combined. After all, I performed my first public miracle only because she asked it of Me. John 2 1-11. Many of you have been following Mother Clare for a long time and have determined that they truly are My words that I have given for her to speak. What I want to say to you is that My Father in Heaven set this wedding in Cana up specifically for delineating Mary's role in the church. No soul more closely formed into my image and heart than she is. She is a prophet. Not just in speaking prophecy in her Canticle, but all over the world she has given instruction to those who will listen and all over the world she protects those who cannot protect themselves yet have consecrated themselves to her.
"You see Satan hates her because she has the power to annihilate him. She will not take that upon herself because she knows it is not his time nor is it her duty. But she has the power to overcome and defeat him on all fronts and with all souls."
And here I would like to add, she is like the servant who brought forth ten talents out of the five that were entrusted to her, as such the Lord states that even greater will be given to those who are faithful. In order to do them they must have more graces and God gives them the graces because of their faithfulness with the smaller things. Jesus continued,
"A woman, not an Archangel such as he, but a lowly woman born of man and on the earth. He hates her with a red-hot passion and that is why he has sown lies in the minds of men who espouse knowledge of the Scriptures.
"If they had studied the word, rather than their denominational bias, this is what they would be teaching you.
1." She is the first Christian, the one to believe in Me as the Messiah". Behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of The Most High, the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never end. Luke 1:31 And I am inserting these Scripture references for you. Jesus continued,
2. "She is a prophetess of the highest order". Not only for her Canticle, but because the Lord as given her the grace to appear all over the world and instruct people. At Fatima, for instance, she foretold the second World War and why it would happen. She also foretold the downfall of the Catholic Church. And so many other things have been foretold, even at the apparition sites that came to pass.
Since she is the first Christian and gives an example of the first Christian, I believe that when we return to Earth after the Rapture, we will be doing some of the very same things, going to different places, and teaching truth. Remember that in Heaven, she has a glorified body, which is totally fitting. She is the example of the reward that Christians who have been faithful will receive. Jesus continued,
3. "She lived on the pinnacle of obedience with every waking breath". She knew in advance that if she accepted this mission spoken to her by the angel, that she could be stoned to death, but she did not covet her life, she only wanted to obey God. When the angel Gabriel announced these things to her, they were contrary to her state in life that she wanted to remain a virgin. When he announced these things to her, she said, I am the servant of the Lord. Be it unto me according to His word. Luke
1 Jesus continued,
4. "She nurtured and taught Me the direction I must go from childhood. She displayed unapproachable humility and service when she went to her cousin Elizabeth". Luke 1:39
6. "By her request I performed My first miracle even against My own will and better judgement". John 2, beginning at verse 4.
7." By doing this, it was demonstrated that her intercession could obtain miracles from Me even when I was not inspired to work one. One glance from this saintly woman and I could not deny her".
8. "She was so in tune with My heart and My will, that she never asked Me to do something she knew was wrong, even though it would cost her much. She never asked Me to cure Joseph as he was dying, she never asked Me not to go to Jerusalem where she knew I would be captured and executed."
9." Rather, she stood by Me even during the bitter end and her total submission to the known will of God knew no boundaries. Her proclamation was, "Be it unto me, according to thy word."
10." She embraced all souls of the earth as their mother, even before I appointed and designated her the mother of Christians. At the foot of the Cross, John stood there representing My Apostles and the Church." John 19:25. "When I spoke those words, they were meant to designate the church, that she indeed would be the mother of the Church, and that the church would look up to her as a mother. History bears witness that she was no longer in the tomb after she had passed. I had given her the choice: To die, or to be taken up before death. And in her deep humility she chose to die like other Christians would die". Jesus continued,
11." She is the first to be Raptured and receive the crown I promised to those who were victorious". And when the Chief Shepard appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away. 1 Peter 5:4
12." She gave birth to the King of Glory. Is it not fitting that she should receive a crown and that she is, in fact, a Queen?" Jesus continued,
13. "She was during the Apostles when the Holy Spirit came down in tongues of fire. They understood fully the implications of her role as My Mother. Nothing she ever says does anything but draw all men to Me and glorify Me."
"Do you see? Do you comprehend what I have taught you through the Scriptures? Those in your denomination who taught you error are not necessarily bad men and women, just ignorant of the implications of Mary's role in the Bible. Martin Luther had a devotion to Mary.
"And those who say she is to be worshipped are way out on a limb that she or I would sever from the tree when given the chance.
"She is honored and venerated. She is invoked as an intercessor. And she is listened to as a mother of the Bride. You will never find her standing in front of Me, rather she walks behind Me in abject humility, knowing she is but a mere mortal that her God has highly favored.
"You will see her fruits in those who have consecrated themselves to Me through My mother. "And why do you find fault with that? After all, I stooped to enter her womb. Should you not stoop to venerate her and ask her to form you into the soul you have been called to be? She has the power to do this because she was faithful with the littlest and greatest things the father gave her to do.
"You will find those whom she teaches are far advanced in meekness and humility. They too have become favored. You will not find those who are consecrated, banging the Bible and uttering unending streams of condemnation. Rather you will see, you have a Father in Heaven, and you have a mother from the Earth who is now glorified in Heaven, as you will someday be glorified in Heaven who's entire being is devoted to bringing you into intimacy with Me. You will see that she does not put a large and bulky desk between you and I, for she understands the letter of the law kills wounded souls.
"Rather in her presence, you will discover that you are part of a Family...the Holy Family, consisting of Mother, Father, Brother, and that the entire heartbeat of this family is intimacy with Me, no massive wooden desk with the Scriptures on it separating us. Yes, the Scriptures testify to your familial bond, and that is why those who espouse her are warm and soft, comforting and prophetic but never compromising in the truth. Oh, precious to have missed so much because the Pharisees drilled it into your head that she is an idol. No, she is not an idol but an ideal of what a Christian should be, that is why she obtained the privilege of being Raptured.
"Take your manmade traditions against her and measure them against Scripture. No longer grieve Me with your accusations against her. And remember there is only one thing standing in your way of knowing the truth. It is your belief that those in Heaven cannot pray for you and no one in Heaven can hear you. What a great error! My Spirit dwells in everything ever created, every person ever created, every part of Heaven ever created.
1 John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him, all things were made, and without him, nothing was made that has been made. And then the first chapter of Genesis: The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
imAnd all that we see and know is held together by the Spirit of God. So how is it that the Earth is separate from Heaven, and that those on Earth cannot hear those in Heaven, and those in Heaven cannot hear those on Earth, because the Holy Spirit dwells amongst all of us? And there is a conduit for communication. Jesus continued,
"My Spirit permeates all creation, and He too has espoused Mary, not only in giving her My seed, but by making her a mediatrix of graces and redemption.
"Yes, I did it all on the cross. But everyone must continue to intercede just as I do in Heaven, so that souls may be saved and come forth. Someone must intercede and form you into a vessel unto honor, and Mary, Ever Virgin, has been given that task. So put the traditions of men under your feet, embrace the Bible fully, and become a special soul bound for Heaven. I have allowed devotion to her to garner many graces to bring souls to Me.
"If you want intimacy with Me, submit yourselves to Mary and you shall have it, and wisdom such as not seen on Earth.
"Shalom My Brothers and Sisters, and embrace My mother, the mother of All Christians".
Dear family, if you want to go deeper into these Scriptures and how they relate to her mission in the church, I have done an eight-part series on her recently, so look for that. Or you could also go to our website,, and in the search section, type in "The Blessed Virgin's role according to the Scriptures."
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