Tetraodontidae (poisonous pufferfish)

3 years ago

Tetraodontidae is a family of estuarine and marine fish belonging to the order Tetraodontiformes. Morphologically, similar fish belonging to this family are similar to porcupine fish which have a large broad spine (unlike the thinner, hidden spine of the Tetraodontidae). , and can be seen when these fish inflate). This scientific name refers to the four large teeth attached to the upper and lower jaws which are used to crush the shells of crustaceans and molluscs, their natural prey.

The pufferfish is generally believed to be the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world after the golden poison frog.

Tetraodontidae consists of at least 121 species of pufferfish which are divided into 20 genera. These fish are diverse in tropical waters and are not common in temperate zone waters and are absent in cold waters. They are small to medium in size, although some species are more than 100 centimeters (39 inches) long.

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