Elder Lurnpa Dave Cole Update On Tyranny Against Aboriginal Australians

3 years ago

Aboriginals are not being man handled to get jabbed, but they are prohibited from leaving their communities unless they are jabbed. They can't go hunting or go into local stores. For many community members, English is their 4th, 5th, etc. language, and they don't really understand what's going on.

The Australian military is present to hand out food, but the people don't need the military's food. Also, having a military presence is frightening. The people fear for their life and reluctantly accept to being injected.

There are also reports of aboriginals being jabbed while intoxicated.

People are being locked up in concentration camps and are begin served food they can't eat, which makes them vomit. The wardens won't bring in these people's regular food.

Cole has received geologist's reports that areas that the government has designated as COVID hot spots are exactly the same areas that they have sold to corporations and foreign powers for mining and other uses. The Aboriginals are strongly against mining on their soil. This is land grab and has nothing to do with public health.

A whistleblower care worker has said that she has personally witnessed the dying of 27 elders within 4 hours after injection. She is just one of five nurses. This is a genocide.

The viewpoint of Michael Gunner and other tyrants is that they have treated the aboriginals well by injecting them with a bioweapon and 'protecting' them by forcing them into concentration camps.

The government propaganda machine has more power than well-informed people are able to stop. The jabs will lead to the deaths of countless elders and that will cause the loss of priceless knowledge.

SOURCE: https://odysee.com/@BNN:6/Right-Now---Gareth-Icke-Talks-To-Australian-Aboriginal-Elder-Lurnpa-Tjumpatjimpa-About-What's-Really-Happening-To-The-Indigenous-Community:d

See the original SOS call from Lurnpa Dave Cole and aboriginals on November 24th, 2021 here: https://rumble.com/vpr334-sos-australia-ethnic-cleansing.html

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