How ants communicate

3 years ago

How ants communicate:Ants communicate and cooperate by using chemicals that can alert others to danger or lead them to a promising food source.
Surah 27:18 Until, when they came upon the Valley of the Ants, an ant said, “O ants, go into your dwellings, lest Solomon and his troops crush you, while they are unaware.”
Surah27:19 So he smiled, laughing at her words, and said, “My Lord, direct me to be thankful for Your blessings that You bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and to work righteousness, pleasing you. And admit me, by Your grace, into the company of Your virtuous worshipers.”Community – Allah

The LORD opened the mouth of the ass:
Numbers 22:28 And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?

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