Habits That Support Brain Health.

3 years ago

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Habits That Support Brain Health

1. Exercise
Exercise is important for physical health, but it is also important for brain health. Exercise can help prevent cognitive decline because it encourages the growth of nerve cell connections in the brain.
When we exercise, we release brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which protects and builds up connections between cells in our brains. That’s why exercising regularly can help ward off and even reverse cognitive decline.

2. Get Some Sunlight
Getting some sunlight is important for your physical health. It can even affect your brain health. The sun is the life source of all things on Earth. It can be hard to get enough sun during the winter months, especially if you live in a more northern climate. However, getting some sunlight is important for your physical health. A lack of sun exposure can even affect your brain health.

3. Play Tetris
A new study found that playing Tetris may have a positive impact on our brain health. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, and Massachusetts General Hospital found that regular Tetris players—specifically those who played for at least 12 hours a week—were able to better manage their short-term memory.

4. Have Quality Sleep
Poor quality of sleep can negatively affect brain health. Sleep is vital for the body’s natural healing process and for repairing cells.
Poor sleep habits can also lead to chronic conditions like obesity, diabetes, and mental illness.
A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that poor quality of sleep can negatively affect brain health. Sleep is vital for the body’s natural healing process and for repairing cells.
Poor sleep habits can also lead to chronic conditions like obesity by increasing appetite and cravings for unhealthy food.

5. Meditate
Meditation is a great way to promote mental and physical health. Meditation calms the mind, increases focus and creativity, reduces anxiety, and lowers stress levels.
Meditation can be practiced anywhere at any time which makes it one of the easiest habits to adopt.
Meditation is a powerful tool for self-exploration and self-development. It can produce real changes in the brain's neural pathways, removing neurotic thoughts and replacing them with positive ones.
Meditation also reduces stress levels, boosts energy levels, lowers blood pressure, and slows metabolism.

6. Build Strong Connections
Healthy habits are essential for a healthy life. Building strong connections is one of the most important habits to have for overall mental and physical health.
Strong connections can help people feel more connected at home, work, school and in their communities. With so many ways to build strong connections, there's no excuse not to start today!

7. Eat for Your Brain
Eating habits can have an effect on your brain health. Some foods are good for the brain, while others are not. Brain-healthy foods include nuts, green leafy vegetables, berries, beans and other legumes, whole grains, fish high in omega-3s and olive oil.
Many people do not realize that what they eat has a huge impact on their brain health. Some foods are good for the brain, while others are not. Brain-healthy foods include nuts, green leafy vegetables, berries, beans and other legumes.
These foods provide essential brain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids and folate that can help to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's or Dement

8. Cut Down Stress
Stress is the enemy of your brain. It can wreak havoc on your telomeres, slow down the growth of new brain cells, and increase anxiety and depression.
We all know that we need to cut down on stress in our lives, but we're not always sure how.

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