🕯🏡🌎🕊✌️[WWG1WGA! Fast-MMA-Eddie-Larrea - Dancing for Peace/(My #1 Son)]✌️🕊🌎🏡🕯

3 years ago

[Quarantine dance specials on facebook.....

"Hello pow-wow family. My name is El aka Black-Eddie(Stands Far Away/Stands Across) 😁😉. I come from the Hocak Nation and the Snowball family.

There's so many things going on in the world today that Id like to say that I'm dancing for but mainly I just want to say that I am dancing for the planet, the kids, and the people. 🕊🌎🏡🕯

I love everyone and I just want you all to be well and good.

Pinagigi. "]

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