Catherine Austin Fitts: "the magic virus ushers us into the age of transhumanism"

3 years ago

Part 1/2. It makes so much more sense now for the second time roughly a year after I first saw the interview, because much of the puzzle has already been filled in.

Catherine Austin Fitts, the author of "Injection Fraud", is a former civil servant and Washington DC insider. She worked in the GW Bush government machine as Assistant Secretary of Housing (HUD Secretariat) before returning to the private sector. Here she is interviewed by the "Planet Lockdown" documentary maker.

Here, between filling us in on the reason why Americans love their guns so well and the mechanics of voting fraud, she describes the technocracy into which we are being forced. "The technocracy that they're pushing towards is called transhumanism. So essentially what you do is you use vaccinations to inject materials into the body that create the equivalent of an operating system. Everybody knows about the computer that gives Microsoft and a variety of other players a back door into your computer and every month or two or three you've got to update it because there are viruses out there... this is a similar system for your body. They inject materials into your body that essentially create the equivalent of an operating system and a radio receiver and they can literally hook everybody up to the cloud, and that includes hooking them up into a transaction system. The Bible calls it the mark of the beast. They're basically talking about being able to digitally identify and track people in connection with their financial transactions... You're in a complete digital control system and it's controlled by the central bankers... If someone doesn't do what they say and behave like they want they can and will shut off his money."

Credit Instagram's @theoryone for bringing this back to life in December 2021.

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