Wake With Me

3 years ago

In early Spring 2020 I was patience to hear from the Lord. What was he doing in our land?
By May I was dismayed at the church’s response, and so I published a video entitled “Weep With Me.”
In it, I suggested the messages from UK church leadership were tickling the ears of church members.
There were viral videos asking God to bless our nation. Which while honouring, for me missed what God is doing. It came across like a servant who under reprimand, asking for a pay rise. Some were saying God’s purpose is to unify the people of the nation. The bulk of corporate messages were to hurting individuals. None seemed to take a long hard look in the mirror.
For me these messages came from the framework of how they perceived the church prior to 2020.
But what if we are not this beautiful bride we think we are?
So, I countered these various messages exhorting the church to change our corporate posture and get on our knees in repentance and recognition of this Judgement by God.
By Summer 2020, with the introduction of face masks out of viral season, which makes no sense, it triggered me to swiftly discern something very sinister was taking place globally.
I moved from the position of understanding of God’s purposes as judgment that is primarily viral, to judgment that is primarily tyrannical government. But judgement none the less.
I then released a podcast early November called “Fear Not” in which I addressed:
All-cause mortality stats; WEF; Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset; BBB slogans; We cautioned about the confusion and paranoia and downright evil side around conspiracy theories (particularly when they point the finger at the Jewish people), but also the reality that men conspire – so not making the error of following and get caught up in worldly theories and attaching that to our eschatology, but also not being ignorant of observable corruption and conspiracy; We discussed what is and isn’t church persecution and oppression of people; climate change and how covid is related; how the mask is a symbol of our time and deliberate muzzling of the church, who are sleepy and have failed the testing of our LORD; among other things.
My concerns in that podcast have or are coming true, rapidly.
But the main theme was to highlight that: “fear is a powerful thing. Fear, can make you lose sleep, it can cause health problems, it can strain relationships, it can make you do and say things that perhaps you wouldn’t in rational light.” Therefore ultimately, we are to Fear God and not Man.
Again today, we are discussing dark times, but throughout, hope not fear should characterize the themes.
With that journey mapped out, having been 13 months since I touched on this, and with the acceleration of events, I wanted to briefly call a spade a spade. Sometimes you just need to hear someone else say the things you are thinking.
Firstly, we’re going call out what is going on: The worldly attack.
Then we’ll look at the church’s response, good, bad, and what steps we can take.
With worldly attacks and sleepy church, sometime the Christian walk can feel like a lonely road. As my friend Nick says, someone's testimony of events is another person's sanity.
So, we’ll lay the bad news, place the good news on top, for the purposes of edification of the church.

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