3 years ago

An article in The New Garbpublic explains a "debate" among "jOuRnALisTs" about whether or not the media needs to PROTECT Joey Loaded Depends to "save the republic."

LOL ok.

This is their playbook: they think they're smarter and more virtuous than you. They need to control and dictate the narrative to direct the public towards their views while pretending to be objective. They think they're saving us.

The media is not objective and their clearly tilted bias towards the truth and the facts has given them an unshakable savior complex that causes them to overlook anything outside their predetermined narrative.

These people can't be trusted. The only news source worth trusting is YOURSELF, your own research, your own time, your own opinion.

They have taken control of once-trusted institutions to persuade everyday people that there is only one way of seeing things, and if you don't see it that way, you're a threat to the republic. Sad part is that they have become the exact threat they pretend to be fighting against.

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