Who can stand before the LORD (YHWH)? All will kneel

3 years ago

Prophetic Word, given December the 14th 2021 around 3:45 in the morning (night).
It speaks about the two very different kind of people who will stand before the Lord.
And everyone will receive their reward.
Very different reward between the righteous and the wicked.

Related Scriptures:
(some might be a little bit out of context, but you may get it)

Psalm 22:29/ Isaiah 45:23/ Isaiah 14:11/ Philippians 2:10
Genesis 19:26
Matthew 12:43-45
Romans 11:25
Leviticus 26
Hebrews 8:12
Psalm 46:10
Matthew 24:12
Isaiah 25:8/ Isaiah 1:18
Genesis 1:27
Revelation 20:2/ Daniel 7:10-11

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