20211214 - Liberty Minute

3 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Tuesday, day 639 of 15 days to flatten the curve.
Putin and Biden have agreed to more talks. That's just great. After the last conversation, Putin moved 10,000 more troops to the Ukrainian border. The world doesn't need another talk like that.
The enhanced child tax credit that sends checks to parents every month is set to expire this month, unless Biden's Build Back Better spending bill is passed. There are 11 million open jobs! The government does not need to be sending out monthly checks!
50 prosecutors, support, and victim services staff have quit their jobs in San Francisco over District Attorney Chesa Boudin’s progressive criminal justice reform policies. Oh great, even fewer people to enforce even fewer laws.
Find more common sense applied to politics at Liberty-Lighthouse.com
Until tomorrow, protect your liberties. Once they're gone there's no getting them back.

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