smoking 2.5 packs a day in rehab...those were the days

3 years ago

i need to re-position the camera, i know
ridiculous what people expect of me, i gotta drive, damnit
no more our thrift store, so sad, i used to go there every wk
most christian music is bad cos it's too cheesy
christian music should be better than regular ass music
love songs from the 80s don't recruit anybody to the Kingdom
turns off: christian music, church hypocrisy
God's love fully realized thru crucifixion
what are you willing to do for God considering what He was willing to do for you
i can't fathom smoking less than a pack a day
i was so different back then in certain regards
delta 8 has 0.3% thc versus the 17-28% of regular ass weed *important to note the thc can get up to 90%...whoaaaaaaa
the reason why delta8 is way less psycho active is cos it is extracted from hemp, which is the non-psychoactive sister plant of marijuana
why i bought delta8 in the first place
judson is a good dude but i am a lone wolf
this woulda happened regardless of who i was with
oh! me...classic ag shit
i'm such an intense person that i'd way rather be alone
i'm the only one that can handle me
God has changed me, i no longer get enjoyment outta these things like i used to
man was i kicking myself when i went back to cigs (see my first channel: aim less)
drugs allow us to be in the moment, that's all we want
God is right now, for all eternity
don't chu wanna be in the presence of God all the time
my friend is lookin for me, i gotta go now

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