i'll never be the type of person to honk my horn

2 years ago

you gotta push me off a cliff in order for me to externalize anything
is this a weakness or a strength
i already get in enough trouble for saying shit i have contemplated
i got honked at today, almost hit a bitch
i'm a woman, i'll never be a better driver
it's not right for me to assume anybody's gender
before obama, this wouldn't have been a problem
dumb bitch shouldn't have pulled up next to me haha
i wouldn't protest somebody hitting my car
i should probably get over that, wouldn't ya say
i think this is a road, the sun seems to be setting
always make people think i'm on drugs due to all the questions
so true, terrence
computers are the walmart for various drugs
cannabis is a low-grade psychedelic that expands yer mind
cannabis taught me how to live in this shit world
everybody needs to take a psychedelic or two
i feel the same way about the orthodoxy as conservative values
so glad i used to be a liberal due to the excessive drug use that taught me a lot about myself
it's fine to be damaged goods, don't wanna be boring
i love you adam
reluctant to identify on the right
the L/R are opposing sides of the simulation
twist around karl marx's philosophy and it ain't so bad
acid communists are interesting
record # of people being thrown into psych wards over weed
i love being around open, honest alcoholics who look at life the right way
...as long as you can confront it
only if you go to a 12step cult can you admit that you're an alcoholic
you must be told what you are as as accusation
mental ills stigmatized by those that want us on meds
i ran straight towards it
okay, i figured it out, now i gotta do some shit

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