Deep Dive into Human Value; Spiritual Math

3 years ago

Thank God life ain't fair. Yep, I said the "G-Word," but I beg you to hear me out, even if you think this recording is just a bunch of God Stuff.

Today, I watched the Minnesota State Board of Pardon's decisions about offenders and re-contemplated the topic of official forgiveness.

Pretend Christians will never bring the Kingdom to fruition. They talk a good game but don't practice forgiveness as directed by Jesus Christ. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk at best. Sure, I fall short, too, but Jesus was most pissed-off at hypocrites. Yeah, I suppose I am one, too. I'm imperfect. But I do more than get ready to meet God; I also meet God to get ready.

Vengeance in the human heart is always ugly, and I'm not sure God is even vengeful, even when 'vengeance belongs to God.' Anyone can forgive. It's one of the godliest things anyone can do, whether an atheist or person of faith.

I trust an Atheist with forgiveness in their heart more than a 'saved' Christian with the addiction to anger distorting their perception about love.

Forgiveness runs deeper than the offense that calls it into existence. If it ain't about Love, it ain't about God because God is Love.

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