Why Should I Have a PMA? Covering PMA Benefits and Liberties

3 years ago

Welcome back to Health Freedom with Dr. Layne
In this video I do a quick review of what a Private Membership Associaton is:

A Private Membership Association (“PMA”) is men and women collectively
asserting and standing upon their rights to determine what devices,
products, procedures, or services will be used by them to maintain the
the health of their own body, mind, or spirit.

A PMA is like a private family (PMA creator = the head of the family; PMA
members = family members). Just like in a close family, what is
communicated or happens inside a family’s private home, among only
family members are private matters generally immune from and not subject
to censorship/control by any administrative agency of any government.
PMAs have an established history and maintain a significant and unique
standing in law; they are generally immune from most, if not all, state and
federal Public Laws.

And, I cover the benefits, liberties, and freedoms you get to take back by founding your own Private Membership Association.

As a Private Membership Association, we are constitutionally created

The First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the
United States Constitution
… and
1. Freedom of speech to share information and voice our opinions about
anything that concerns us including alternatives to drugs, invasive surgery,
vaccines, toxic chemicals, unlabeled GMO foods, pharmaceutical drugs in
our water supply and anything else that may cause or exacerbate any
physical, emotional, mental, medical, or psychological concern, condition,
disease, disorder, or illness of any kind.

2. Freedom to confidentially assemble with other people of a like mind so
we can learn about alternative, complementary, holistic, integrative and
natural health, nutrition, therapies, and wellness.

3. Freedom of choice for our own health, nutrition, and wellness decisions
including any diagnosis, treatment, or intervention.
4. Freedom of Self-determination based on access to all available
information to help us make our own decisions about our own health, life,
nutrition, therapies, and wellness and that of our family, pets and
5. Freedom of Privacy and all of the inalienable human rights guaranteed to
us all by the US Constitution.

Thank you for being such an important part of this movement. We ARE making an impact and PMA's are an important part of the path forward.

Please join me on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEl3OzqXJpOSDRmxM4cLqMw

To book a free consultation to find out if a PMA is right for you click the link below today.

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